July 2022 Newsletter: Announcing the newest additions to the Public Works team!

By Ava Lopez

August 2, 2022

Meet our new team members!   

We are growing and are excited to welcome five awesome individuals to our team. Our new teammates bring a diversity of experience and interests, and embody our commitment to furthering Public Works’ capacity to meet the needs of our clients. Get to know John, Emily, Alex, Ilan, and Ava below.

John Dere holds a PhD in Administration and Supervision from Fordham University, as well as a PMP, and joins us as a Manager to play a significant role managing high-profile client engagements.

Alex Fiorille has five years of experience in public and nonprofit consulting and, as a Manager, applies his financial management and public sector expertise to support client needs and deliver actionable results.

Emily Jones has worked at numerous educational institutions in South Korea, Malaysia, and New York City and, as a Manager, is passionate about empowering individuals to create change in their communities through education and engagement.

Ilan Ackelsberg worked as a case manager for a disability services nonprofit in the Philadelphia area, and, as an Analyst with our team, is excited to make cities more equitable and accessible.

Ava Lopez graduated with a BA from the University of South Florida with experience on a political campaign and, as an Analyst, is dedicated to improving the conditions of communities through thoughtful communication.

Experience summer in NYC with us!

There is nothing quite like a New York City summer – the heat, the humidity, the sheer number of activities at your fingertips! Making the most of a New York City summer takes some creativity, planning, and plenty of perspiration. As a team of committed and enthusiastic New Yorkers, we know how to soak up all the City has to offer. We pulled together the team’s favorite spots and tips in an interactive map so you can experience the summer in NYC the Public Works way. Check it out on the Public Works IQ.

Find our favorite summer activities

What we’re doing

Public Works in the press

Image by Krisztina Papp, Via Unsplash

Our work strengthens communities and helps them thrive. The quality and utility of public spaces available to communities, from parks and gardens to train stations, play a critical role in the health of a community. Public spaces that are responsive to community needs and adaptable over time to create value for communities by fostering space for connection, collaboration, and spontaneous interactions. This is the theory behind urban placemaking, a powerful framework and tool for creating strong public spaces. Our CEO Celeste Frye knows the importance of urban placemaking and how to approach it equitably, creating systems that benefit community members and bring spaces to life. Celeste has laid out four tips that can simplify collaborative urban placemaking in your community in her article with American City & County.

Placemaking is just one component of the public realm that’s on our minds. Celeste also spoke to Michael Keating at American City & County about how cities are establishing their EV charging infrastructure and the importance of meeting the demand of a growing fleet of electric vehicles.


What about the little league? 

Image by Nicole Green, via Unsplash

Kids across America are playing sports in fewer numbers than they were just a few years ago. Despite the well-documented benefits of youth sports, city spending has shied away from large investments into new resources for young people to get involved in athletics. Youth sports and physical activity provide innumerable benefits to the kids who participate, as well as offering unique avenues for developing stronger communities and networks. Whether it’s a new basketball court or an affordable soccer league, investing in our young people will have positive effects on the next generation as well as on our communities at-large. Analyst and baseball player Simon Rosenblum-Larson breaks down investments in and the state of youth sports in New York City and more on the Public Works IQ.

Apply Today

We are looking for a Project Coordinator for our Business Development team who has savvy graphic design skills.

One more thing: Check under your organization’s hood!

It is always the right time to think about the organizational health of your nonprofit, and our Nonprofit Tune-Up is a great way to get started. Our online tool was developed to streamline the assessment process, so you can quickly get the insights you need to strengthen your nonprofit’s internal, financial, and programmatic operations.




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