What Are Public Works Partners Making In The Kitchen?

By Public Works Partners

February 2, 2021

While some prefer to take advantage of the extensive NYC restaurant scene and order in, most of the Public Works team has been mixing up a storm in the kitchen. The number of cooks outnumbers bakers. Below we have outlined some of the yummiest creations they have tried their hand at this past year: 


Soba Noodles in a Bowl
Image via Bon Appetit

Summer – Soba Noodles 


I first had this dish with my dear friends who would have me over for weekly dinners, pre-pandemic. I was obsessed with it and started making it on my own over the last year at home. My friends have since moved across the country so making “the soba noodle dish,” as I call it, is also a little sentimental.”




Pasta noodles in a bowl and cast iron skillet
Image via The New York Times

Dan – Blond Puttanesca


This is a solid standby because it’s fast and easy to make but feels fancy and super savory.”



Pastry folded with spinach inbetween on a plate
via Foodtasia

Jasmine – Bolani


I’ve been making a lot of potato-based recipes (potato salad, potato pancakes, bolani, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, etc.). It’s comforting when it’s cold out and I’ve found potato-based recipes harder to mess up :)”   


pizza close up with mushrooms on top
Image via Simply Recipes

Naomi – Homemade Pizza 


I like to make pizza. Sometimes I will buy the dough, but prefer to make it myself. In the summer we grill the pizza, which is our favorite preparation technique.”



Chicken fingers on a plate
Image via Butter With a Side of Bread

Allison – Homemade Chicken Fingers


I’ve gotten into making myself a bunch of chicken fingers and then eating them with veggies for lunch throughout the week. They’re also perfect for freezing so you have an easy meal when you don’t feel like cooking!”



Hush Puppies on a plate with paper towels underneath
Image via Celeste Frye

Celeste – Hush Puppies 


Last weekend, I made fried fish and hushpuppies. I am from the Carolinas and grew up eating fresh fried seafood, especially in Calabash, NC, a town famous for it. When I get cold and homesick, I make this. Like any good Southerner, I fried everything in my cast-iron pan.”



vanilla cake with funfetti icing on a plate
Image via Aurelia Aceves

Aurelia – Funfetti Cake


It’s a simple recipe that reminds me of birthday parties as a child – white cake mix and funfetti frosting. I don’t make it often, but I should!”




cranberries in a bowl next to a large tart with red filling and spices
Image via The New York Times

Emma – Cranberry Curd Tart


I always trust NYT recipes and wanted to make something new for thanksgiving!”



layered cake with honey inbetween layers on a plate with a white flower design top
Image via Smitten Kitchen

Bebe – Russian Honey Cake


This is a full afternoon project. I wanted to take on something challenging and a thin layer cake seemed like a good bet. The recipe was easy enough to be fun and the cake looks really impressive when it’s done, so I felt accomplished. And it’s delicious!”



spinach, sugar, mushrooms, lemons, and honey scattered across a white background
Image via Cooking Light

Favio – Experiment!


“I don’t really use recipes, but more of a “taste as you go” approach.”

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