Land use, workforce, and voting! It’s all in our November 2020 newsletter.

By Bebe LeGardeur

November 2, 2020

Decoding ULURP

ULURP 101 - How Public Works helps clients navigating the Uniform Land Use Review ProcedureAs we expand our Community Health practice into supporting environmental review processes, we needed to grow our expertise in the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP), an essential yet often confusing tool that guides all major land use decisions in New York City. Public Works Analyst Summer Payton wrote an in-depth guide to parse out the steps involved, major actors, and considerations that go into the process. Summer’s smart, short analysis provides a visual summary of the process, its benefits and weaknesses, and how Public Works supports clients navigating it. Check out ULURP 101 and share it with the planners in your life!


What We’re Doing
New Project: Technical Assistance, NeON Works

NeON WorksPublic Works Partners, in collaboration with The Precedential Group and The Door, has been selected to provide training and technical assistance to Neighborhood Opportunities Network (NeON) Works program providers. NeON Works, part of the NYC Department of Probation’s citywide network of community-based centers, provides job readiness support to those on probation. Our team melds The Precedential Group’s deep understanding of restorative justice practices, The Door’s expertise in positive youth development and brain development, and Public Works’ extensive experience facilitating program development and implementing program models to provide trainings and support to NeON Works providers.


Jennifer Chung is a FELPS 2021 Fellow!

Jennifer Chung, Public Works PartnersAnalyst Jennifer Chung is starting her Fellowship for Emerging Leaders in Public Service (FELPS) at NYU’s Wagner Graduate School of Public Service this month! FELPS brings together early career public service professionals for career and network development opportunities. The program examines and works to dismantle systemic racism in public service while supporting the next generation of public service leaders. We are proud of Jen for taking this exciting step and look forward to learning through her experience. Jen is our fourth Public Works-er to participate in FELPS! Please join us in congratulating her by reaching out at


Join Celeste Frye for “Emerging Firms in Planning and Urban Design in the Era of COVID” on November 10th.

Join Celeste Frye for Emerging Firms in Planning and Urban Design in the Era of COVIDCeleste will be part of a discussion on how the NYC planning and urban design community can support and encourage small and emerging firms, especially MWBE firms next week. The conversation, hosted by the APA NY Metro Urban Design Committee,  will touch on the challenges COVID-19 has brought, as well as the opportunities that small MWBE firms like Public Works bring to the table. Don’t miss out on this important conversation.

Register now: Emerging Firms in Planning and Urban Design in the Era of COVID


Coming Soon: Digital Skills for Low-Wage Workers

Restaurant workers using a tabletFrom online applications for fast-food jobs and online ordering systems for delivery workers, the need for “digital literacy” is increasing across the board, even in entry-level positions. Public Works is committed to building the workforce development field and getting New Yorkers into stable jobs. That’s why we’ve spent this fall researching the digital skills needs of the low-wage workforce—and our report is coming out this month. Working with the amazing team at The HOPE Program, we looked at key industries with low median incomes for entry-level work and high levels of projected growth to understand the current state, trends, and needs of workers in these industries. We found that digital interfaces are becoming more common throughout workplaces and across industries, but that clarity around the skills workers need to excel is hard to come by. Follow us @PublicWorksIQ for updates on the release of our study, and feel free to reach out with questions or comments at


One more thing!

#PublicWorksVotes2020What’s your plan to vote? Check out @PublicWorksIQ and get inspired with our team’s voting plans for this critical election. Share your voting stories with us with #PublicWorksVotes2020.





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