July 2020 Newsletter: How did the PPP loans impact your neighborhood?

By Public Works Partners

July 31, 2020

The reach of Payroll Protection Program loans in NYC

The release of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan data by the Small Business Administration (SBA) earlier this month inspired us to take a look at how the loans were distributed across the City. We were interested in the smallest and most vulnerable businesses, so our focus was on loans of up to $150,000. Among other things, we found that community districts with populations that are over 75% Black, African American, Hispanic, and Latinx had some of the lowest average loan counts (about 340 per zip code) and loan totals (about $54,230,570 per zip code) in the City. Read our analysis here.


We’re examining the evolving role of digital tools and skills in low-wage work.

We’ve partnered with the HOPE Program to launch a research initiative aimed at understanding digitization trends in low-wage jobs in some of the City’s fastest growing industries. Traditionally, many of these sectors have seen limited use of digital tools, especially in entry-level positions. However, this has started to change rapidly over the past few years as scheduling and record keeping, for instance, have begun to move to virtual platforms. It is likely that the pandemic will only increase dependence on digital tools. As we look to recovery, how do you think our reliance on digital tools will change? Let us know what you think.


Celeste Frye joined fellow Cornell AAP Alumni for a panel on career development.

Public Works CEO Celeste Frye joined fellow Cornell Architecture, Art, and Planning alumni on July 2nd to speak to recent graduates and others looking to advance their careers. The panelists spoke to the volatility of the current moment and encouraged listeners to broaden their lens as they approach their future careers. Check out a recording of the event here.



The COVID-19 Nonprofit Tune-Up is the tool you need to position your organization for success.
On July 22nd we hosted a panel discussion to introduce nonprofit leaders to our new pro bono Nonprofit Tune-Up. The Nonprofit Tune-Up is an online tool designed to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your organization and to provide you with expert advice and tailored recommendations on meeting best practices as you move forward. Missed the event? You can see all the key takeaways here.
Meet the newest addition to Public Works’ video chats!

This is Wren, Senior Manager Aurelia Aceves Hogan’s new mini dachshund puppy. Isn’t she cute?!

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