December 2020 Newsletter: Cyber soft skills for low-wage workers, Public Works turns 10, and job opportunities

By Bebe LeGardeur

December 7, 2020

A Sneak Peek at Communicating with Machines: Empowering Low-Wage Workers with Cyber Soft Skills

Communicating with Machines: Empowering Low-Wage Workers with Cyber Soft Skills

Conversations about low-wage work and technological advancements have historically been on separate tracks. Yet, as digital tools continue to change the way we work, low-wage workers are expected to arrive in the workplace with the cyber soft skills that will allow them to learn and adapt to a growing number of digital interfaces. What supports are available to workers looking to build these skills? How can the workforce development community, funders, and the City work together to ensure that all workers have the skills they need to succeed? Our full report examining these questions, written in partnership with The HOPE Program, will be released this month, but we’re giving you a sneak peek at our findings and recommendations! Check out a synopsis of Communicating with Machines. Stay tuned for information on its release and a webinar where we’ll dive into details of the report.

Read the synopsis here.

Happy Birthday to Us!

Celebrating 10 Years of Public Works

We can hardly believe it, but we turned 10 years old this week. While this year has been different in so many ways from the first nine, our commitment to advancing the missions of our clients is stronger than ever. As we reflect on a decade’s worth of projects and milestones, we also look forward to the future. We are excited to see where this subway train takes us in the next ten years. We thank all our clients, partners, and colleagues, past and present, for your continued support. Here’s to many more years of collaboration designing the systems and policies that drive thriving communities.

Check out the infographic here.

What We’re Doing.

#PublicWorksGivesBack is back#PublicWorksGivesBack is Back

Our annual #PublicWorksGivesBack campaign is live. Our giving campaign stems from our mission to help organizations increase their impact, advance their missions, and build stronger communities that work for all. Through #PublicWorksGivesBack, we support the missions of our nonprofit clients, and match employee donations to any registered 501(c)3 organization from now through the end of the year. Catch us on TwitterInstagram, and LinkedIn to learn about some of the incredible organizations our team is supporting.


HSC 2020 Change Makers of New York and PWC 40 Year AnniversaryA Different Kind of December

December normally means that we’re busy attending holiday parties and year-end benefits to support our clients and partners and celebrate the work of the past year. While we won’t be able to come together in person this year, we are still excited to celebrate the Human Services Council’s Changemakers of New York on December 9th and Professional Women in Construction’s 40th Anniversary on December 10th. We hope to see you there!


One More Thing.

Join our team!Want to join the Public Works team?  We’re hiring!

We have some exciting opportunities for strategic and analytical team players looking to create impact through their work. Does this sound like you or someone you know? Check out our careers page to learn more and spread the word!




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