A Community Outreach Tool to Support Your Next Engagement Plan

By Public Works Partners

May 16, 2022

A detailed community engagement plan is a key component of a successful outreach strategy. Community engagement plans establish a framework to guide your engagement by identifying stakeholders, engagement tactics, timelines, goals, and metrics to assess the success of your engagement. While every engagement strategy will look different, there are key elements that remain constant: confirming long-term objectives upfront, conducting background research, building partnerships with other organizations, and establishing engagement goals. We put together a tool to help you think through what this will look like in your community, hopefully making your next community engagement initiative just a little easier. Download the tool for free at the link below.

[et_bloom_locked optin_id=”optin_1″] https://publicworkspartners.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Community-Engagement-Tool_Public-Works.pdf [/et_bloom_locked]

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